About Our Online Medical Assistant Certification Programs

Other medical professionals you work with are specialized, and now you can be too. The Specialty Certified Medical Assistant - SCMA® certification provides a way for individuals in the Medical Assisting profession to showcase their skills and knowledge. Retaining a specialized certification shows your expertise in your field, and possessing an SCMA designation will make you stand out from other medical assistant professionals.

With the U.S. Department of Labor listing Medical Assisting as among the fastest growing occupations, we offer many different therapeutic specialties in which you may choose to become uniquely certified.

SCMA is part of The CertiTrek Group, which represents high quality and industry-recognized certification companies. These companies include Healthcare, Long-term Care Insurance, Wireless Technology, IT and Divorce Financial Services. The certification companies we represent are widely accepted by employers in the industries they serve. The SCMA certification, in particular, provides an entryway to a new healthcare industry career, the means to a salary increase and above all, an accurate measure of a candidate's knowledge and skillset.

Our headquarters are in Durham, North Carolina, just a few miles from Research Triangle Park. We are staffed by an experienced team of marketing experts as well as business strategy professionals with dedicated and proven experience in operating certification companies.